Q: Does my free trial limit my access to features?
A: Free trial includes access to all features including customization and channel system.
Q: How does the free trial work?
A: When you sign up for your trial of Support you'll have access to all features for a period of 30 days. At any point during the trial you can choose a plan and pay by credit card from within your account.
Q: What happens after the trial ends?
A: At the end of a trial, your data and setup remains intact. But you won’t be able to transfer any files further and it will ask you to login and select a plan to purchase.
Q: Is there any discount for yearly subscription?
A: For any discounts you need to call us and confirm depending on the amount of data which would be transferred in the year.
Q: Can I switch plans?
A: Yes, you can switch plans in the Billing panel at any point of time. When upgrading or downgrading your plan, you’ll receive a prorated charge or a refund, depending on the cost of your new plan.
Q: What types of payments do you except?**
A: We accept all major credit cards. If you’d like us to accept purchase orders or take any form of offline payment, please contact us or mail us at info@savitransfer.com.
Q: Do I need to enter my credit card info to sign up?
A: No. You can sign up and use Savi for 30 days without entering your credit card details. At the end of your trial, or when you decide on the plan, you will need to enter your credit card details.
Q: What if I exceed my plan’s event limit?
A: If you exceed your plan limit for your billing period you will be either charged a prorated overage charge for the month based on your current plan’s cost or automatically upgraded to the next level plan for the remainder of your subscription period.